


There is nothing better than a trip to the beach in the summertime! To be by the ocean, in the seashells' natural environment, is the highlight of my year. I've always loved to search for seashells at the beach when I was a kid and find the prettiest shells I could find. This website shows budding seashell experts how to clean, identify, and even use newly found treasures to create beautiful craft projects. After all, everyone can use a seashell-covered picture frame :-)

Happy beachcombing!

Like a kid in a candy shop...

Sometimes when I'm bored, I like to look at pictures of sea creatures. This website contains some gorgeous pictures of seashells and underwater animals.

Check out this Zig Zag Cowry (Palmadusta ziczac):


I love the patterns on this Admiral Cone! (Conus ammiralis)


Look at the spikes on this Morum macdonaldi!


So next time you're bored, check out this website for lots of seashell info and some beautiful pictures! Enjoy!


Radio Interview TOMORROW!

I am scheduled to be interviewed on a new radio show devoted to water...perfectly named the H2O network!

Here is the link to the show on July 12th at 3PM:


Hope you enjoy it!

H2O Network Interview!

I am scheduled to be interviewed on a new radio show devoted to water...perfectly named the H2O network! Here is the link to the show on July 12th at 3PM:


Hope you enjoy it!


Books by Michelle Hanson


(Ocean Wisdom Press, 2007)

(Atria Books/Beyond Words, 2007)